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Monthly Archives: May 2015

Calling all WisconSibs and Fans!

Posted on by wisibs

Thumbs upThere’s exciting news to share about an immediate fundraising opportunity for our organization. Local marketing agencies Coalesce Marketing and BConnected are collaborating on a four-day online “crowdfunding” experiment as part of their 2GETHER•4GOOD initiative.  They have invited nine local non-profit organizations to be part of it – including WisconSibs.

Here’s what Lisa Piikkila of Coalesce had to say: “Once again, we were amazed and humbled by all of the good work happening in the Fox Cities…to further extend the impact of 2GETHER•4GOOD, we are providing every applicant the opportunity to participate in an online fundraising effort to help raise funds for their organization.”

The campaign starts today (May 21st) and runs through Sunday (the 24th), which means that over the next four days, we have the opportunity to raise funds that will support upcoming Sibshops and the SibCamp Scholarship Program.

Donating is easy, since the campaign is based on the CrowdRise platform.  Just go to  and give what you can. And feel free to pass this link on to your friends so they can contribute as well!

Thank you for your support. Together, we can make this campaign a success!


Please note: CrowdRise pulls in organizational information from an independent non-profit database, which still has WisconSibs listed as the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network. While you’ll see the correct logo on our fundraising page, our name is still listed as FVSSN. This does not affect where your donations go:  all the money we receive will be put toward the WisconSibs programs and services you know and love.



WisconSibs Join the HUMAN RACE! You can too!

Posted on by wisibs

Human Race 2015 - Proud and bandThe annual HUMAN RACE walk/run took place Saturday, May 2 and it was a great celebration of the generosity of our community and the value that nonprofits bring to our citizens.  WisconSibs, Inc participated with a small team of walkers and many online donors supporting us.

You can still make your donation online (until May 18) or by sending your donation to WisconSibs, 211 E Franklin St, Appleton, WI 54911.

Human Race 2015 - On the walk 2One of the highlights was the University of Wisconsin Marching Band performing their 5th Quarter.  Click here for video.

For more pictures, check out our Facebook page.