
Monthly Archives: March 2016

Siblings are my Peeps®: A Creative and Fun Challenge!

Posted on by wisibs

April 10th is National Sibling’s Day, and all of us at WisconSibs are gearing up for our celebration on April 8th. This event at The Building for Kids: Children’s Museum will feature our theme “Siblings are my Peeps®” This contest is geared to bring siblings together for the ultimate Peeple’s Choice Award!

Think of a favorite memory with your siblings, and create a scene using marshmallow Peeps® to make it super duper awesome! Some of my favorite sibling memories are playing with the laundry chute in our old house, biking in our unfinished basement, and goofing around on vacations.IMG_20160226_193933800

We had so many different ideas for our scene, but we ended up choosing to recreate our trip to the Jelly Belly factory in Illinois. I still have my hat that we are all wearing in the picture! This trip was amazing; you walk right into Jelly Belly heaven. Any and every possible flavor is there, including (but not limited to) birthday cake, orange cream soda, buttered popcorn (which is my favorite) and wacky flavors like toothpaste.
received_1115724795145279Recreating this memory has been such a blast for my sisters and me. We have almost too many ideas to fit into our little scene. I am so excited to see how our display of such a fun memory turns out!

Take a look at the official rules and guidelines for how to enter on our website under the events/info tab. What will your entry look like? Join us at our celebration April 8th to be eligible for the crowning of the ultimate champion. May the best peeps win…