
Sibsacks Order Form

Who We Are

We are Wisconsin siblings of people with disabilities.

We are role models to our siblings, our peers, our friends, and our community.

We are advocates for ourselves, our sibs, and for other people with disabilities. We are uniquely equipped to understand the frustrations and the pride of overcoming challenges and celebrating abilities.

We are caregivers and companions. Even the very youngest of us often help our parents care for children with special needs.

As we grow up and throughout our lives, we play a vital role in the quality of life for our siblings.

We are proud to be . . . WisconSibs!

Want to register as a WisconSib?

Click here

Want to register as a WisconSibs Fan?

Click here

Want to register as a WisconSibs Sponsor?

Click here

Why register?

As a registered Sib, Fan, or Sponsor, you’ll get important news alerts and updates, priority invitations to regional/statewide events or trainings, and links to other sibling resources.

Plus, there is strength in numbers.  The more who register:

    • The stronger our voice becomes.
    • The more sibs can connect.
    • The better informed you become.
    • The better we can accomplish our mission to “foster a community of support and understanding for brothers and sisters of individuals with special needs.”