
Sibsacks Order Form


For the past 20 years, we’ve been serving Wisconsin brothers and sisters of people with disabilities.  We’ve sponsored regular SIBshop® and camps for boys and girls (based in northeastern Wisconsin, but open to all) and we’ve delivered future-planning training and social events for adults and families. Click WISCONSIBS 20TH ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE BROCHURE

We’ve helped hundreds of children, teens and adults who live each day with siblings with autism, intellectual/developmental disabilities, physical disabilities and mental illness connect with resources and each other to help them throughout their lifelong journey.

As WisconSibs and WisconSibs/Fox Valley:

  • We continue to provide SIBshop®, camps, future planning and events for families that are open to all, but centered in northeastern Wisconsin.
  • We are expanding online content, consulting, coaching, future planning, and conference presentations for siblings, agencies, educators, social workers, and other professionals throughout the state.
  • We are strengthening our role as the Wisconsin chapter of the national Sibling Leadership Network, and will continue to connect siblings throughout Wisconsin.

Our Mission

To foster a community of support and understanding for brothers and sisters of individuals with special needs.

Our vision

Siblings will thrive throughout their unique life-long journey.

Our values

We focus on siblings and believe that when the voices of siblings of individuals with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses are heard, individual families, communities and society benefit as a whole.

  • We aim to help siblings feel less isolated and more empowered when it comes to unique issues they care about as siblings.
  • More than ever, siblings have a critical role in the quality of life of their vulnerable siblings.

We believe brothers and sisters have perspectives that are unique from other family members, service providers, funders or government agencies, and those perspectives are critical to ensure the quality of life of individuals with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses.  We are prepared to listen and serve as a voice for the interests of these siblings.

  • They serve as advocates, listeners, care givers, guardians, and much more. That not only benefits their sibling with disabilities, but also taxpayers who otherwise could be called upon to support even costlier social services. 

We know that for most, the sibling journey is life-long, beginning in childhood.  Therefore, siblings of all ages need information, opportunities for emotional support and sharing, and leadership guidance to advocate for their needs and the needs of their brothers and sisters with disabilities.

  • Relationships between brothers and sisters can grow and change, and then change some more. Sometimes these relationships are difficult . . . they are always interesting. Giving opportunities to celebrate, enjoy or start sibling traditions, and supporting resilient relationships is a joyful result for siblings and for WisconSibs.
  • Knowing that others share the same concerns can affirm a sibling and allow him or her to grow with confidence and pride in themselves and their sibling.

We respect siblings in their choice to be lovingly involved at whatever level and in whatever way they choose.

We believe the family is the most important support system and can best help children – in particular children growing up with siblings who have developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses – if provided with information, services, and encouragement.

About our logo

WisconSibs connects siblings of people with disabilities with each other, and with resources to help them throughout their lifelong journey.

Our logo reflects that:

  • The “i”s of differing sizes represent the different-ness of siblings (child/adult, male/female, etc.) – the diversity of people we serve.
  • The span of dots reflects connection, growth, and lifelong journey. Like the arch of a bridge, it symbolizes strength and support.
  • The colors begin with the green and blue of our former Fox Valley Sibling Support Network identity and expand to include other primary colors. That offers a fun and vibrant palette that plays to our mission to help siblings thrive throughout their lifelong journey.