Is WisconSibs a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization?
What geographic areas does WisconSibs serve?
Do you only serve siblings who have brothers or sisters with developmental disabilities?
Are the programs WisconSibs offers considered therapy?
Do I need to become a member of WisconSibs to be able to participate
Yes. Established in July 1998 as the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network, it has all the rights and responsibilities of a tax-exempt organization operating for the public benefit. FVSSN was the first and oldest nonprofit in the United States with the sole mission of serving siblings of individuals with disabilities or long-term illnesses. The organization became WisconSibsTM in November 2014 to better reflect its service to the state of Wisconsin and its role as the Wisconsin chapter of the national Sibling Leadership Network.
While headquartered in downtown Appleton, WisconSibs serves the whole state of Wisconsin. Most of our SIBshop, camps and other programs for children and teens take place northeastern Wisconsin, but we welcome siblings from across the state. WisconSibs is the Wisconsin chapter of the Sibling Leadership Network (SLN) and invites siblings from throughout Wisconsin and beyond to become involved in SLN.
The majority of our participants have siblings with developmental disabilities, such as autism, cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. However, many who have siblings with long-term illnesses, including mental illness, cancer or tumors, benefit from the opportunity to talk with other siblings and get information.
While some who participate in our programs may enthusiastically answer “yes”, our programs are better described as “therapeutic.” None are intended to replace professional therapy or counseling. Siblings who are participating in therapy or counseling often find the relaxed, friend-building support and information included in WisconSibs programs an additional benefit.
Absolutely not. In fact, there is no actual membership. Participation is open to anyone, living anywhere within reach of our progams and services.
Want to get important email news alerts and updates, priority invitations to regional/statewide events or trainings, and links to other sibling resources? You can register as a WisconSib or a WisconSibs Fan at no cost, or as a WisconSibs sponsor for a financial contribution. [link to registration page]