
Sibsacks Order Form


Groups, Schools, Service Clubs and Conferences

WisconSibs staff, board members and siblings themselves are available to speak to your groups about the organization, and about the joys and challenges of living with a sibling with a disability.  Contact the WisconSibs office for details and availability.

Topics include:

Life Beyond the Stares

Individual speakers are available who can make 20-60 minute presentations, or you may choose the “Sibling Talk Show” version (40-75 minutes, depending on time available) which includes a show host and a panel of siblings, either adults or children.  They will be prepared to share interesting and inspiring stories as well as take questions from your audience.

They can discuss topics such as:  the treatment of kids with disabilities; embarrassing moments; feelings, such as guilt, anger and pride; the legal, financial, care and social challenges of having disabilities (and being a sib); advocacy and many more.  They talk from the heart.  Their stories will charm you, make you laugh, make you cry and everything in between.  Please specify if you prefer an individual speaker, or the “Talk Show” version.

Parenting the “Other” Child

What are the issues parents need to be aware of in parenting not only the child with special needs, but the “other” child or children?  Hear the Top Ten Things Sibs Want Parents to Know. Discussion and tips for parenting, parent-to-parent.  Presentation can be tailored to your group for as short as a 20-minute presentation or as long as a half-day workshop.

Welcome to Our World

Discussion and sharing about what siblings want and need as learned from research, experience and personal observations and how service providers can make a difference through low- or no-cost methods.

Top 10 Tips for the Club Sandwich Generation

Adults who have aging parents, growing children, PLUS a sibling with disabilities has been called the ‘Club Sandwich Generation’.  Harriet Redman, M.S. Ed., founder of WisconSibs, presents this lively, interactive presentation designed for adult siblings or anyone interested in their unique concerns. You’ll gain ideas and insights into the issues of adults who may be raising young children while also concerned about their aging parents and the life and future of their sibling with disabilities.  You will be introduced to Journey Forward, a program uniquely created for adults concerned about the future with their siblings with disabilities.

Other “TOP TEN” presentations include:

Topics tailored for your group

Tell us about your group and we can work with you to provide an interesting program around topics like: value of respite and finding it, sibling relationships, siblings as caregivers, siblings and future planning, starting a nonprofit, siblings as supernormals, even life hacks for caregivers.  15 minutes – 4 hours

What We Hear

“Liked hearing sibling viewpoints and experiences and advice for others.”


“I felt great driving home reflecting on your presentation.”

“Wow! What an incredible presentation. Kids in our community are so lucky to have your organization as a resource.”