Over the years, siblings have encouraged us to organize events – usually just for fun – that include their brothers and sisters with disabilities and help families get to know each other. Here’s our typical lineup:
This popular celebration is a fun night of food, fun, prizes, shopping and of course, playing casino-style games (blackjack, roulette, etc.). Vegas Madness. People of all abilities are welcome, so bring your sibling, your friends, your colleagues…anyone looking for fun!
Adult siblings and their invited guests meet to keep connected with one another and with the critical issues that affect themselves and their sisters and brothers with disabilities. Find an upcoming event.
Typically held at a café or restaurant, this is a great opportunity for siblings from various families to interact and get to know one another. Often local artists provide opportunities for siblings of all ages to complete seasonal crafts. Sometimes the group even takes a bus tour of holiday lights in the area.
This annual event presented by WisconSibs gives children with disabilities and their siblings the opportunity to enjoy the magic of Santa without the meltdowns and complications of waiting in line. It includes breakfast treats, lots of games and activities and, of course, the chance for every child to visit Santa, celebrate the joys of the season, and even get a family photo taken. For more information about 2022 event and make reservations, click here.
Thanks to the generosity of the Appleton Downtown Rotary Club, this is event is FREE for children. We ask for a $10 contribution from adults. Donations for supplies and gifts for this event are always appreciated. If you or your group would like to donate or volunteer, contact us.
Got an ideas for a sibling program? Work with an agency wishing to provide more support to siblings? Want to network with other siblings with specific conditions (e.g. autism, Down syndrome)?
Share your idea . . . or ask a question! Our program committee is always on the lookout for innovative and creative ideas to better serve siblings throughout Wisconsin.
Regionally, we also help organize SIBS IN THE CITY, an event for networking, information and fun in Chicago in connection with Chicago’s Disability Pride Parade and Celebration. Adult siblings from Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan meet to have fun, connect with one another, and share joys and challenges unique to their role as siblings. March in the parade, have some great food, enjoy the City of Chicago, and meet some awesome siblings!
Seminar speaker – Linda Sandman – engages siblings in lively discussion at Sibs in the City