
Sibsacks Order Form

What We Offer


SIBshop are workshops for children ages 6-12 who are brothers and sisters of . . .

Summer Programs

For children and teens, we offer camps and leadership opportunities during the summer . . .

Future Planning

For adult siblings, our Journey Forward program helps you develop a future plan with your sibling and other family members . . .

Social Events

Throughout the year, we organize fun events for adult siblings or families who have children with disabilities that help siblings . . .

Sibling’s Choice Awards

Providing a way for siblings to honor quality caregivers, our Sibling’s Choice Awards . . .

Fundraising Events

While we depend on the generosity of donors to make our programs possible, our events are not just about the money . . .

Volunteer Training

Interested in being a Sibshop leader, event planner or office helper?  We’ll provide you with . . .


Want to engage siblings in your corner of Wisconsin?  We can help . . .


Staff, board members and siblings are available to speak to your group meeting or conference . . .

Siblings looking for information with a big dose of peer support, and a lot of fun keep coming back.  Adult siblings often tell me, “I wish you had been around when I was growing up, but glad you are here for me now.” – Harriet Redman, WisconSibs, Inc Founder