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Great Sib Resource from OAR!

Posted on by wisibs

Wisconsibs is proud to help our friends at The Organization for Autism Research distribute their activity book “Autism, My Sibling, and Me”  This book is a fantastic resource for younger sibs. I had my youngest sister Claire fill out this book, and I did as well.Autism book cover

The book is filled with great information about autism, but it works well for children who have a brother or sister with any disability. It addresses questions such as, “Can you catch autism like a cold or the flu?” “Is autism the same in everyone?” “Do people all over the world have autism?”

Many emotions that come with being a sib are well addressed at a level that is easy to understand. Fairness, anger, and embarrassment are some of the sections included. These emotions can be especially tough to sort through when you are unsure why your sibling acts the way he or she does. It’s okay to become frustrated with your sibling, but finding ways to work through this is key. In my book, I wrote that when I am frustrated with Aaron, I should take a step back and return when I can work with him patiently.

Between  volunteeClaire and Aaron pagering at Sib Days of Summer and living with Aaron, many sibs can feel like they’re ignored, under appreciated, and left out. This theme is very common in younger sibs; I even feel like that sometimes as an adult sib. We do understand that our brothers and sisters may need extra assistance, but it can be hard at times. Page 6 of the workbook addresses this, and has a space where sibs can think of acitvities to do with their parents. My sister wrote “Play with their full attention, go to lunch, and do special things”
Finally, the book encourages children to think about what it’s like to be a sib, ways to try and understand your sib, and how to explain their brother or sister to a friend.  I wrote, “Aaron moves his arms and legs a lot when he’s excited. This is because he has Angelman’s Syndrome”

I had a great experience exploring this book both on my own and with my sister. You can view more details on the activity book by clicking here. If you or someone you know would like to find out how to get a free copy,                                                                                     email us at

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