2019 Sibs are My Peeps Contest
211 E Franklin St
Appleton, WI 54911
It’s Fun in Wisconsin with Peeps!!

Peep in yellow VW Bug made of Twinkies, frosting, mini cookies, and pretzel steering wheel.
Let’s face it, winter has gone on far too long. We need spring! Nothing says “Spring” cuter than those sweet, squishy, little marshmallow Peeps® bunnies and chicks!
Want to help bring spring and have some fun, too? Just get some PEEPs® and create a scene or picture. Share your creation by taking a photo and email it to us to enter the Sibs Are My Peeps contest. It’s fun for all ages, all abilities. And anyone can enter…siblings, parents, grandparents, businesses, church groups, nonprofits, friends…everyone! Click for 2019 Sibs Are My Peeps Rules
Here’s how:
1. Think of a scene that depicts “Fun in Wisconsin”, the theme of the 2019 WisconSibs Sibs Are My Peeps® contest. Your scene may be a favorite game, something that’s full of action like a sport, a hobby, a playground or backyard activity, dance or other performance, etc.
2. Bring your scene to life using a shoebox, pizza box, or comparable item (not to exceed 24” by 24” deep by 24” tall) and those adorable marshmallow Peeps®. Melt ’em, mold ’em, manipulate ’em, dress ’em up, whatever you need to make your scene awesome.
3. Take photos of your scene. Then, email siblingsaremypeeps@wpstaging.simple.biz to submit. Attach no more than two photos of your scene. Pictures must be .jpg, or .png files. Your email should also attach Sibs Are My Peeps Entry Form.
**Be sure to include all of this information, or your entry will not be considered** (NOTE: Don’t disassemble your creation after you take your photo because if your entry is selected as a semi-finalist, it will be displayed at the Kidz Expo WisconSibs Booth April 6th.)
4. Photo submissions are due by Friday, March 27 at 11:59 p.m. CST. Five semi-finalists will be announced Monday April . Semi-finalist winning entries need to be delivered to the WisconSibs office, 211 E Franklin St. (second floor), Appleton, WI by April 4th before 4:00 pm. Winners will be on display at the Fox Cities Kidz Expo WisconSibs Booth on April 6th in Appleton, WI.
5. The Peepl’s Choice Award is the top award and will be chosen from the semi-finalist winning entries by guests attending the Kidz Expo event on April 6th, Appleton, WI from 9 am – 3 pm.
6. HAVE FUN! Semi-finalists will win free “Sibs are my Peeps®” tshirts. The Peepl’s Choice winner will also receive a “Sibs are my Peeps” keepsake in addition to recognition at the Kidz Expo event on April 6 and on social media and our WisconSibs website. Click 2019 Sibs Are My Peeps Rules
No purchase necessary to participate. Entries created by children 13 or under must be submitted by a parent or guardian.
Click to print – Sibs Are My Peeps Entry Form and 2019 Sibs Are My Peeps Rules.
Click to see previous winning Sibs Are My Peeps entries
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