HUMAN RACE 2015 – WisconSibs Team
4321 North Ballard Road
Appleton, WI 54919
Imagine being part of the excitement as hundreds of dedicated, generous people begin walking together with members of the University of Wisconsin marching band. Its exhilarating and fun to be part of the HUMAN RACE taking place Saturday, May 2 and WisconSibs will be part of it. The annual event organized by the Volunteer Center supports local nonprofit agencies and unites our community.
WisconSibs and their fans are walking to show our continued dedication to brothers and sisters who have siblings with special needs, and to raise money so that we can continue to provide the services and support they need!
Join us THIS Saturday at the Thrivent grounds in Appleton or go online and make a donation. Registration begins at 9 am…walk/run begins at 10 am. Food and a performance by the UW band members follow the walk/run. You can choose to walk 1 mile or 3. Wheelchairs, strollers, children, pets welcome.
Click Pledge Sheet HUMAN RACE 2015 to print a pledge form.
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