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ISBA Conference (Cancelled)

June 16, 2020 – June 19, 2020 all-day

The International Short Break Association (ISBA) is hosting the 2020 International Respite (Short Break) Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, United States (U.S.) from June 16th-19th, 2020. This international conference is intended for everyone who provides, uses, or needs respite/short break services. It is also for policy makers and program administrators who want to understand or better support the respite/short break needs of family caregivers, and individuals who receive respite care across all ages.

The theme for the conference Moving Respite Forward is inspired by Wisconsin’s motto “Forward” which reflects the State’s continuous drive to be a national leader.  This conference will provide a space to advance knowledge and understanding of respite by learning from and with international leaders in the field of respite. The conference will also challenge attendees to utilize evidence-based practices and discover innovative strategies to improve respite care to meet the growing needs of the 43 million U.S. family caregivers and millions more carers[1] around the world. Together, we are Moving Respite Forward!

Harriet Redman, WisconSibs Executive Director, will be presenting a session titled Siblings Journey Forward: Addressing the Needs of Caregiver Siblings of People with Disabilities from Childhood through Adulthood.

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