October 2023 Sibshop
311 S Oneida St
Green Bay
Pumpkin Fun Sibshop
At our October Sibshop we will be doing pumpkin painting (we will provide the pumpkins), active games, try pumpkin treats/snacks and other activities to foster an environment of connection for the sibs.
WisconSibs SIBshop are workshops for children ages 6-12 who are brothers and sisters of children with disabilities or long-term illnesses. SIBshop are lively, relaxed events that combine recreation, information, and discussion, and give siblings the opportunity to celebrate the contributions and the challenges of their brothers and sisters with others their age who “get it.”
Registration is $15 per participant, paid via credit card or check.
Registration is required to attend, sign up today for a day of fun with Sibs!
Teen Sib Leadership opportunity. Click to volunteer.
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