Sibshop Facilitator Training with Don Meyer
6401 South 13th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53221
To start a Sibshop program you must have 1st-generation Sibshop Facilitator Training. This 2-day training with Don Meyer fulfills that requirement.
This training is also extremely valuable to anyone interested in becoming a Sibshop Facilitator in an existing Sibshop program.
Who else benefits? Adult siblings, parents, grandparents, or any professional working with siblings of people with disabilities.
Not interested in Sibshop Facilitator training, but want useful information that you can apply in your role as a sibling, parent, or professional? Then choose the “Sibling Journey” track and sign up to come Friday-Day One with Don Meyer, or Saturday – Day Two with Harriet Redman presenting, or both days!
Registration information available soon. If you are interested in being on the mailing list to get registration information, contact us.
Hosted by WisconSibs, Inc and the Autism Society of Southeast Wisconsin with support from the Board for People with Developmental Disabilities (BPDD) and Autism Speaks.
Event takes place at the Crowne Plaza Milwaukee Airport – 6401 S. 13th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53221
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