Sibshop for children ages 6-12 who have siblings with disabilities
3100 East Evergreen Drive
Appleton, WI 54913
Kids ages 6-12 who have a sibling with special needs will have a great time at this Sibshop getting to know other kids who share many of the same joys and concerns. Games, discussion, and other fun. To register or for more information, contact us.
What are SIBshop? SIBshop are lively, pedal-to-the-metal celebrations of the many contributions made by brothers and sisters of kids with special needs. SIBshop acknowledge that being the brother or sister of a person with special needs is for some a good thing, others a not-so-good thing, and for many somewhere in between. A mix of discussion activities and fun games, SIBshop provide siblings with peer support and acknowledge that most brothers and sisters of people with special needs, like their parents, are doing well, despite the challenges of an illness or disability. And most importantly, gives siblings the clear message that they ARE NOT ALONE.
See you April 11 for this first fun, kid-rockin’ Sibshop for kids 6-12 who have siblings with disabilities or long-term health conditions or mental health concerns.
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