Sibshop – January 2024
1331 Algoma Blvd
The Oshkosh Public Museum Hosts Sibshop 
The Oshkosh Public Museum is all about discovery. Join other children ages 6-12 who have siblings with disabilities to discover the challenges and joys we uniquely share as Sibs…and HAVE FUN EXPLORING THE MUSEUM!
We will have a guided museum tour, learning about some of Wisconsin’s history. Our Sibshop group will have time together to discuss the sibling experience before we go discover the museum on our own.
Chaperones are needed to help at this Sibshop. Calling any parents, grandparents, teen or adult siblings, or adult friends to enjoy the museum with our young Sibs. Sign up on the registration link to volunteer.
The Museum is the perfect place to find inspiration in objects, images, and information that interests you. With almost 300,000 objects in our collections, from quilts to decoys to clothing and more, you are sure to discover some awesome artifact on view. The Museum is the ideal place to connect with the community and its past, and to find out about people or meet friends.
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