Zoom Sibshop-Weekdays
“What’s the Dill?” – Sibshop 2021 Theme
There are all kinds of feelings just like there are all kinds of pickles. Sweet ones. Sour ones. And lots of in-betweens. During this series of SIBshop, we’re going to have fun with PICKLES! Yes, pickles.
Sound crazy? It just might be…and we know it will be fun. Games, conversation, and fun activities designed just for kids ages 6-12 growing up with a sibling with disabilities.
You can come as often as you like. Register once and attend any or all of the following:
Thurs. Jan 14 at 4 PM What’s in your Pickle Jar?
Thurs. Feb 4 at 4 PM “Dill” With It (Strategies for and by siblings)
Thurs. Mar 4 at 4 PM It’s Kind of a Big Dill (Sorting out what you can and can’t control)
Thurs. April 8 at 4 PM What Kind of a Pickle Am I in Now?
Find a day and time that you can have a quiet spot to join us on your laptop or phone. This is a time set aside for just Sibs.
“What’s the Dill” SIBshop also offered on
Sat. Jan 9 at 10 AM
Sat. Feb 13 at 10 AM
Sat. Mar 6 at 10 AM
Sat. April 10 at 10 AM
Teen Sib Leaders interested in volunteering to help with SIBshop should contact Brittany or contact us.
OR GO TO http://bit.ly/2021SIBshop
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