WisconSibs Receives Award for Rebranding
WisconSibs Rebranding Saluted by PRSA
Recently, WisconSibs, Inc. received an Award of Merit from the Northeast Wisconsin Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. It recognized our work of renaming and rebranding our organization from the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network to WisconSibs, which was introduced in November 2014.
One of the judges commented: “Very creative program . . . Its implementation was fantastic and I loved seeing how all of the pieces and parts fit together to create a strong program.”
This is a great opportunity to again say thanks to the key players in the project:
- The Dialogue Partnershop (Rich Redman) – wrote creative brief and wrote/edited copy for brochures and website
- A2Z Design (Jeff Amstutz, Michael Miller) – led renaming process and created new logo and display graphics
- Angela Fulcer Design (Angela Fulcer) – designed introductory postcard and flagship brochure
- Stellar Blue Technologies (Greg Waters) – designed and constructed new website
- Red Shoes PR (Karen Schlieve Smith) – created video testimonials and initial news release
- Eric Cates – T-shirt design
- Chris Linn – former board chair, member of Marketing Committee, and strategic advisor
And thanks to all of you who have embraced the new name, and helped us spread the word about our organization to sisters and brother of people with disabilities across the state of Wisconsin!