
Monthly Archives: January 2016

A Week of Autism Programming: Fox Cities PAC

Posted on by wisibs

Event Alert!Autism-Awareness

Starting January 11th, the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (PAC) is offering an entire week of autism programming. There are many sessions running all week, with the Chicago Children’s Theater production of “Red Kite, Brown Box” as the center of the event. This production strives to spread autism awareness and inclusion through the arts. This event is interactive for those with autism and their caregivers, and has multiple showings on Thursday and Friday.

Wisconsibs will be present and hosting a session at the Appleton Public Library, on Thursday January 14th from 4:30-5:30. “What About Me? What Children Who Have Siblings with Autism Want (and Need) is being led by our very own Harriet Redman. Many people have a brother and sister who has a disability. Being on the lookout for your sib is very important to their brothers and sisters, and is an integral part of growing up and life beyond. Though this a joyful and rewarding experience, common issues arise. This could include feeling confused as to why their sib is different from other children their age, getting less attention than their sib does, and thinking that they are the only one who experiences these things.

Our workshop highlights these issues, and interactively works to showcase ways that we can be mindful of the brothers and sisters needs as well. Finding a balance between a child with autism and their siblings is key to a healthy and happy relationship for the entire family.

To learn more, you can find information on the link below.

Hope to see you there!