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SibNews – Dec 2020-Feb 2021

Posted on by wisibs

SIBNEWS COVER - DEC 2020Click to download your newest issue of SibNews


  • Young siblings use grateful to build resilience
  • Grandmother tells how she sees her sibling grandchildren
  • Allergy-friendly soup recipe
  • CALENDAR of 2021 events, including Sib Camps
  • Sibling Voices: Stories of Hope
  • More!

SibNews – September 2020

Posted on by wisibs

Click to download SIBNEWS NOW

  • Meet Cate Ellis, a senior at UW-Oshkosh, and learn her story of struggle and triumph as a sister.


  • Find out what Kelly of Waterford wishes she had known before her sister with a seizure disorder was hospitalized.


  • Enjoy photos from SibDays of Summer and Teen Sib Leadership activities this summer.

This issue was written and designed by our Sibling Summer Interns, Zoe and Randy. Get to know them, along with our new Youth Coordinator on page 4. CLICK TO READ NOW

NOTE: This issue does not contain our usual Calendar of Events. Continue to watch for website, Facebook, and email announcements to get the latest updates.


Special SAFER AT HOME SibNews for you

Posted on by wisibs

This special issue of SibNews features WisconSibs locked down during “safer at home” orders. DOWNLOAD NOW


  • Hear Courtney, a teacher and a mother of 3 siblings, tell how her family has changed during the lock down.


  • Be inspired by Stephenie Mlodzik’s siblings revealing rainbows in the clouds.




  • High school and college WisconSibs tell it like it is in “What Siblings Would Like Parents to Know During This Pandemic”
  • Fresh Chive Soup recipe
  • MORE

Want a full-color, printed copy sent to you or a friend? Contact us


WisconSibs Events during May Quarantine

Posted on by wisibs

During “Safer at Home” WisconSibs will continue to offer programs virtually, using Zoom.

For children ages 8-12
growing up with siblings with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses.

To register, click HERE. Just register once and be able to join us for any or all of these events:

May 2   at 2 pm  Sib-Day for Games
May 9   at 2 pm  Sibshop
May 16 at 2 pm  Sib-Day for Games
May 23 at 2 pm  Sibshop

For teens and young adults
Join us any Tuesday at 8 pm for conversation and games with other sibs.

To register, click HERE.

For adult siblings
Join us for our 3rd Thursday Sibling Survival Conversations – May 21.

To register, click HERE.


COVID-19 No Match for Peeps

Posted on by wisibs

COVID-19 got you down? Stuck indoors? Looking for ideas to keep the kids happy while schools are closed?


While in-person WisconSibs events are suspended for a few weeks, the Sibs Are My Peeps Photo Challenge is going strong! Kids, adults, grandparents…ANYBODY and EVERY BODY…can join in and have fun.


1. Using Peeps® and a box (not to exceed 24” deep X 24” tall) create a scene that depicts “Take a Peep Around the World”, the theme of the 2020 WisconSibsSibs Are My Peeps®Photo Challenge. Take your Peeps® on a magical, marshmallowy-sweet adventure to anywhere in the world. Melt ‘em, mold ‘em, dress ‘em up. Be creative. Find ideas at:

NEW OPTION!  Don’t have Peeps® or a box in the house and can’t get out to get some? No problem.  Make a “flat Peep” display using paper, some crayons, and of course your imagination.  Pinterest is a good place to find Peeps coloring pages or download this one. Peeps coloring page

2. Email no more than two photos of your scene to: Photos must be .jpg, .jpeg or .png. Your email must also include:

Names, ages and hometown/state of all who helped create the scene.

Phone number and e-mail address (not for publication).

Title of your scene. (Extra points for cleverness of course.)

2-4 sentences about your creation or its significance.

All submissions will be reviewed and five winners will be announced. Winners will be awarded  “Sibs are my Peeps” t-shirts.

“In these confusing times, its even more important to find ways to use our imaginations as an escape or respite. We hope this challenge will provide some fun for siblings and many others. We also hope to raise awareness of the many roles siblings play in our lives as we approach National Siblings Day on April 10. We especially acknowledge the often-overlooked critical roles that siblings play when one may have a disability. ” says Harriet Redman, Executive Director of WisconSibs.

The Sibs are my Peeps®” Contest welcomes friends, families, or co-workers, or any other individual or group, regardless of age or ability. No purchase is necessary to enter the contest.


Do I need to be a sibling?  Nope. Anyone can enter. Any age. Any ability. Any person. Any group, business, or school. From anywhere.

Do I need to be artistic? Nope. Just be willing to have fun with it. The theme this year is “Take a Peep Around the World”.

Does it cost anything? Nope. Only cost is purchasing Peeps which are about $1.30 a package.

May I post my creation on social media? You sure can! Just tag it with #sibsaremypeeps and #wisconsibs  To officially enter the challenge, please email your 2 photos to

Additional tags could include #covid-19nomatchformypeeps   #takeapeeparoundtheworld

How do I enter?
Go to to get details and see examples.

#covid-19nomatchformypeeps #sibsaremypeeps   #wisconsibs  #takeapeeparoundtheworld