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Search Results for: journey forward

Journey Forward Fox Valley

Posted on by wisibs

JF Call OutAre you a sibling whois concerned about the day your parents no longer can care for your sibling?  Or you’ve become responsible for your sibling and are unsure about the future and need some answers?

For adults who have a sibling with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses, the journey together is lifelong. You may already be in a care giving role or expect to in the future. This program helps you clarify your role, get the planning tools to move forward, and connect with other siblings and local resources that will change your future.


JF header photo


Journey Forward has one main goal— to help you as an adult sibling move forward with peace of mind. 



When you are finished with both workshop sessions, you will have a written document which describes your sibling’s desired future living arrangement, community role, and lifestyle preferences.  You will have a plan that includes practical directions and information for maintaining continuity in your sibling’s daily life and needed supports to achieve these outcomes.  Some call this peace of mind. 

This is the first session of a two-session program.  Adult siblings are encouraged to invite parents, siblings (including any with disabilities), and other family members as their guests. The program includes all materials and lunch for adult siblings and their guests (spouse, other siblings, parents, and any other significant members of their family or team) for both sessions.

If you wish to register yourself, your sibling, or your parents or you have questions about Journey Forward in general, contact us at the WisconSibs office.

Journey Forward – Oshkosh

Posted on by wisibs

JF Call OutAre you a sibling who is concerned about the day your parents no longer can care for your sibling?  Or you’ve become responsible for your sibling and are unsure about the future and need some answers?

For adults who have a sibling with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses, the journey together is lifelong. You may already be in a care giving role or expect to in the future. This program helps you clarify your role, get the planning tools to move forward, and connect with other siblings and local resources that will change your future.


JF header photo


Journey Forward has one main goal— to help you as an adult sibling move forward with peace of mind. 


Presented by WisconSibs. Hosted by Covey.

When you finish Journey Forward, you will have a written document which describes your sibling’s desired future living arrangement, community role, and lifestyle preferences.  You will have a plan that includes practical directions and information for maintaining continuity in your sibling’s daily life and needed supports to achieve these outcomes.  Some call this peace of mind. 

Adult siblings are encouraged to invite parents, siblings (including any with disabilities), and other family members as their guests. The program includes all materials and lunch for adult siblings and their guests (spouse, other siblings, parents, and any other significant members of their family or team) for both sessions. The date of the second session will be determined with the group on March 16th.


Have questions? Check out these FAQs or reach out to use at

Journey Forward Fox Valley Workshop #2

Posted on by wisibs

JF Call OutWorkshop #2 of Journey Forward

This is the part 2 of the 2-part Journey Forward program. It is open to adult Sibs and their guests who attended Workshop #1 or would like a refresher after having attended any Journey Forward workshop in the past.

Topics will include:

  • Letter of Intent progress and how to use it to get what you and your sibling with disabilities need and want.
  • Housing for people with disabilities – Assessing needs and interests, options and challenges
  • Employment Options or Day Program options – Assessing skills, interests, and navigating local options.

Who benefits from Journey Forward workshops? Directed at adults who have a sibling with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses, the journey ultimately benefits you AND your sibling with disabilities AND others in your family, even your community. You may already be in a care giving role or expect to in the future. This program helps you clarify your role as a sibling, get the planning tools to move forward, and connect with other siblings and local resources that will impact your future.


JF header photo


Journey Forward has one main goal— to help you as an adult sibling move forward with peace of mind. 



When you are finished with both workshop sessions, you will have a written document which describes your sibling’s desired future living arrangement, community role, and lifestyle preferences.  You will have a plan that includes practical directions and information for maintaining continuity in your sibling’s daily life and needed supports to achieve these outcomes.  Some call this peace of mind. 

This is the second session of a two-session program.  Adult siblings are encouraged to invite parents, siblings (including any with disabilities), and other family members as their guests. The program includes all materials and lunch for adult siblings and their guests (spouse, other siblings, parents, and any other significant members of their family or team) for both sessions.

If you wish to register yourself, your sibling, or your parents or you have questions about Journey Forward in general, contact us at the WisconSibs office.

Journey Forward – Fox Valley

Posted on by wisibs

Are you a sibling who thought, even as a child, that when the day came and your parents no longer could care for your sibling, that you’d take over? Or perhaps you’ve never been sure about the future plans and need some answers?

For adults who have a sibling with developmental disabilities or long-term illnesses, the journey together is lifelong. You may already be in a caregiving role or expect to in the future. This program helps you clarify your role and get the planning tools to move forward.

Journey Forward has one main goal—to help you complete a written plan.

When you are finished with both workshop sessions, you will have a written document which describes your sibling’s desired future living arrangement, community role, and lifestyle preferences. You will have a plan that includes practical directions and information for maintaining continuity in your sibling’s daily life and needed supports to achieve these outcomes.

Some call this peace of mind.

JFlogoPractical help for adult siblings of people with disabilities to stop the worry and start the journey forward.

Journey Forward Workshop Part 1 on March 5, 2016

Workshop Part 1— You’ll learn how to get started. How to involve your sibling and other family members. You’ll also sense the support and care of other adult siblings sharing similar concerns and joys. Activities, Q & A time and lunch provided. Information includes:

  • Building Relationships and Skills
  • Overview of Legal, financial, housing, work and funding options
  • Who can help you move your journey forward
  • Optional opportunity to join Sibling Survival Guide group

You’ll leave this workshop with the tools and encouragement to complete a Letter of Intent. Your sibling will leave with a start on a useful scrapbook, “It’s All About Me” and eager to come back.

At this workshop the group will determine how soon they want to meet for Workshop Part 2.

Workshop Part 2 — Bring your Letter of Intent (need not be completed) and you will have the opportunity to meet with one or more experts to discuss your specific questions to move forward with your future planning. JF Call Out






WisconSibs Journey Forward Workshops

Posted on by wisibs
Planning for the future is important for all adults as they grow older and life changes. But for people with developmental disabilities – especially those who have been cared for by their parents, who are themselves aging – it is even more important.

Where will they live?  Who will take care of them?  How will brothers and sisters be involved, especially if some of them live a distance away?  What resources are available to help with options?

Without adequate plans in place, adults with disabilities may face disruptive transitions when families can no longer provide care, endure emergency placements in inappropriate settings and suffer through inadequate financial and legal safeguards, all of which place a strain on siblings and other relatives.

See what siblings who have participated in Journey Forward workshops say.

The WisconSibs Journey Forward program is offered as two half-day workshops:

Workshop Part #1

You’ll learn how to get started and overcome barriers many siblings experience. You’ll get tips on how to involve your sibling and other family members. Local professionals who have experience working with families with disabilities will discuss the value of Special Needs Trusts, guardianship and other important legal, care, and work issues. You’ll leave with tools for successful planning and a good sense of the support and care of other adult siblings sharing similar concerns and joys. Siblings are encouraged to bring their brothers or sisters with disabilities along with other family members important in the future plans of their sibling.

Can’t wait to get started?  Download the Journey Forward Letter of Intent

Workshop Part #2

Siblings learn what is important in making sure the plan is successful. Local professionals will discuss with siblings the options available for housing, independent living, and finances.

Once you’ve completed both workshops, you will have a written document which describes your sibling’s desired future living arrangement, community role, and lifestyle preferences. This written plan will also include practical directions and information for maintaining continuity in his or her daily life and describe the supports needed to achieve these outcomes.  This will help give you and your family peace of mind.

Fewer than half of families have developed specific plans for the future of their relative with a disability.  But even when there are plans, siblings are often not fully aware of them.  WisconSibs’ Journey Forward workshops help siblings connect and get informed.

Are you participating in one of our current Journey Forward workshops? Go to WisconSibs Resource Library and scroll down to find resources for Participants of Journey Forward.

Click HERE for Q & A about Journey Forward workshops

Click HERE for Q & A from adult siblings



Why Journey Forward?

“I participated in the first series of the Journey Forward program offered by WisconSibs with my sisters Katie and Melanie. Melanie has Down Syndrome and lives with our mother.

“Siblings attend together with their sibling who has a disability and talk about their dreams for the future; such as living arrangements, job planning, daily activities, spiritual life and personal relationships that would like to be maintained. Together, we outline in detail each segment of our sibling’s life and write out on paper what our thoughts are. We have individual discussions with our sibling and also group discussions with all of the program participants.

“It can be eye opening when you make the time to literally sit down with your sibling and ask direct questions about what their own dreams are. So often we make decisions for our sibling (or parents and caregivers make decisions for the person with the disability) without asking for their input and we assume we know what they want.

“The program gave us the tools to have the discussions in our family about planning. We also benefited from the conversations that we had with other adult siblings who are going through the same planning process such as us. During every session, we were all able to laugh together, cry together, and praise each other about our accomplishments; which were huge!

“I would definitely recommend this program to any family that has a person with a developmental disability within it. Even if you already have a concrete plan for that person, it is still a good idea to network with other siblings and share ideas, experiences and brainstorm with each other. We are not alone and we are blessed to have the existence of the Fox Valley Sibling Support Network (now WisconSibs) in our community.” – Anne Muller


Other Testimonials

    • “I recently completed estate planning for some clients who are working through the WisconSibs on long-range planning for an adult sibling. They have done such good planning, and with excellent forethought! I’m really impressed with the effective practical tools that they are receiving from the network. Keep up the good work!” Ben A, attorney
    • “If it weren’t for WisconSibs, we would not have made the life-changing steps in Joanne’s life and ours….’making the call’ to social services & getting the BIG ball running!!! Joanne’s involvement with her mentors continues to go extremely well and adds a never-thought-of dimension to the entire family’s well-being!!!!!” Linda D, sibling
    • “What a wonderful event! Can’t thank you enough for these types of get-togethers that are so full of information. I am constantly learning about new things to research and share.” Katie G, sibling





A Sibsack is a backpack that comes with helpful and fun items that have been developed to help you talk with your 3-5 year-old(s) about their sibling’s disability. How to discuss a big topic with your young children can seem overwhelming. This kit provides you with a few simple, age-appropriate tools and tips. Each Sibsack includes:


Explore the activities. Enjoy the creativity and interaction it sparks.


What would a kit for children be without a toy? Play is important in relationships between parent and child, and between siblings.


Books can help children value the unique traits and special gifts of each member of their and the world them.


— Ben, age 4 (from Views from My Shoes)

Keep in mind that family members may experience the journey of living with someone with a disability differently. Be aware that siblings of any age will experience both positive and negative feelings.


When a child experiences emotional challenge, join them in coming up with ways to cope. Encourage them to talk freely with you, another family member, or a counselor about their concerns. Books are great ways of showing how others come up with ways of coping with challenges.


Sibsacks are brought to you by WisconSibs, Inc, a non­-profit based in Appleton, WI dedicated to the interests of sisters and brothers of people with disabilities throughout their life-long journey. A variety of peer-support, informational, and social programs are designed for children, teens, and adults including:

 More information can be found at Contact us for infor­mation about how we can benefit your family.


Are you interested in learning more about Sibsacks or ordering for yourself or organization? Use the contact form below and we will be in touch shortly.


    A Few Helpful Resources for Young Siblings of Children with Disabilities:

    Books for children are listed in the Parents guide and can be found on the WisconSibs website at

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    ISBA Conference (Cancelled)

    Posted on by wisibs

    The International Short Break Association (ISBA) is hosting the 2020 International Respite (Short Break) Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, United States (U.S.) from June 16th-19th, 2020. This international conference is intended for everyone who provides, uses, or needs respite/short break services. It is also for policy makers and program administrators who want to understand or better support the respite/short break needs of family caregivers, and individuals who receive respite care across all ages.

    The theme for the conference Moving Respite Forward is inspired by Wisconsin’s motto “Forward” which reflects the State’s continuous drive to be a national leader.  This conference will provide a space to advance knowledge and understanding of respite by learning from and with international leaders in the field of respite. The conference will also challenge attendees to utilize evidence-based practices and discover innovative strategies to improve respite care to meet the growing needs of the 43 million U.S. family caregivers and millions more carers[1] around the world. Together, we are Moving Respite Forward!

    Harriet Redman, WisconSibs Executive Director, will be presenting a session titled Siblings Journey Forward: Addressing the Needs of Caregiver Siblings of People with Disabilities from Childhood through Adulthood.

    Last SibNews for Feb – March 2016 now available

    Posted on by wisibs
    Articles include:
    • Can’t Find Anywhere Else by Anna Benz, WisconSib InternSibnews cover page-FEB-MAR 2016
    • Self-determination by Stephenie Noggle
    • What It Takes to Be a SIBVIVOR
    News about upcoming events:
    Feb-Apr – Sibshops

    Adult Sib Supper Seminar

    Posted on by wisibs

    Manderfield brothers (4)Come be treated to a cup of soup and delicious Manderfield’s bread while networking with other adult WisconSibs. Bring your sibling and enjoy a fun tour of the bakery. Be the first to view our new Journey Forward video. Learn more about upcoming future planning events and topics.

    RSVP not required, but always appreciated.  Contact us

    Arc of Dane County – Club Sandwich Generation

    Posted on by wisibs

    Wisconsibs Director Presents – Top 10 List for the Club Sandwich Generation

    In partnership with The Arc-Dane County, Harriet Redman, Executive Director of Wisconsibs will present “Top 10 List for the Club Sandwich Generation.”  You will gain ideas and insights into the issues of adults who may be raising young children and caring for aging parents while concerned about the future of a sibling with disabilities.  You will also be introduced to Journey Forward, a program uniquely created for adults concerned about the future with their siblings with disabilities.

    The presentation is FREE but space is limited.  Please register by sending an email with your name(s) to on or before December 1. See Flyer.



    By yourself:

    Dump the monkeys onto a flat surface. Pick up one monkey by an arm. Hook the other arm through a second monkey’s arm. Continue making a chain. It is fun to do over and over and time yourself to see how quickly you can pick up all the monkeys.

    With others:

    One player at a time, pick up one monkey by an arm. Hook the other arm through a second monkey’s arm. Continue making a chain until a monkey is dropped. Count the monkeys on your chain. Then the next person makes a chain and counts the number of monkeys they connected before dropping a monkey.


    The player who creates the longest chain wins. If there is a tie, the person who did it fastest wins.


    If you have more than one barrel, give each play a barrel of monkeys and race against one another or dump all the monkeys on the floor from all the sets and have players all at the same time create chains. See who makes the longest monkey chain in the shortest time.