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Summer 2019 Keepsake Special Edition

Posted on by wisibs

Summer is quickly fading but the memories of good times at SibDays, Sib Camp, and Teen Sib Leadership days don’t need to fade.  Check out this Special Issue of SibNews chocked full of photos; The Sibling Summer 2019 Keepsake issue.

Thank you to our many donors, sponsors, and funders who make it possible for WisconSibs to offer fun and worthwhile programs that siblings love throughout the summer.

To download the issue, click here.  To request a printed copy mailed to your home, contact us









Sibs Movie Meet Up – The Art of Racing in the Rain-NOTE CHANGE OF LOCATION!!

Posted on by wisibs


Join us for a casual “meet up” on August 15 AT 6 pm BEFORE the movie at  the Marcus Hollywood Cinema (513 N Westhill Blvd, Appleton). Each person buys their own movie ticket either online or at the cinema. We’ll meet you in the lobby before the 7 pm show. Look for WisconSibs tshirts.

Friends and family welcome. Movie rated PG.

The Art of Racing in the Rain”  starring Milo Ventimiglia and Amanda Seyfried. It is a heartfelt tale narrated by a witty and philosophical dog named Enzo (voiced by Kevin Costner). Through his bond with his owner, Denny Swift , an aspiring Formula One race car driver, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition and understands that the techniques needed on the racetrack can also be used to successfully navigate the journey of life.



Summer 2019 Interns!

Posted on by wisibs

Samantha Merkel:

My name is Samantha Merkel and I’m one of the WisconSibs summer interns for 2019. I really became a part of WisconSibs about five summers ago when I first became a counselor at SibDays of Summer. Since then I have continued to develop as a young leader with the support of WisconSibs programs.

My inspiration for everything I do comes from my 11-year-old brother, Aaron, who was born with Down syndrome. Because of his diagnosis, I have found myself a part of a unique and amazing community that includes the remarkable people of WisconSibs. In addition to my involvement with WisconSibs I am an active member of the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin- Fox Cities Walk Committee, I am working part-time for the Down Syndrome Association of Wisconsin- Family Services, and I am providing respite care for two sisters with Down syndrome, ages 12 and 14. This is, of course, in addition to my volunteer work as well as spending time with my family. In terms of schooling, I will be a junior at UW-Stevens Point this fall studying Communicative Sciences and Disorders for Speech Language Pathology with a minor in Spanish. During the academic year, I work in the Disability and Assistive Technology Center on campus.

I feel as though this internship is an amazing opportunity for me to gain relevant experiences, make connections, learn leadership skills, and to make a difference. I’m really looking forward to all the things that the people at WisconSibs have to teach me and the ways that planning for their events will help me to develop as a leader within my own life. I am also excited to work for an organization that helps a group of individuals that I am directly a part of and understand their need for resources and support. Given that I intend to work with individuals with disabilities within my career I feel that making connections with their siblings and their needs is a very integral part in ensuring the success of my future clients. Siblings are often some of the most important advocates in the lives of individuals with disabilities and I believe that investing in them leads to the achievements of their siblings with disabilities.

As the summer goes on I will be helping plan various fundraising, awareness, and leadership events to help benefit the siblings of individuals with disabilities within our community. I am so excited to be a part of the WisconSibs team!

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, child, closeup and indoor

Calli Hughes:

Hello! My name is Calli Hughes and I’m the other WisconSibs summer interns. I just finished my Sophomore year at UW-Madison where I am studying Math and Community & Nonprofit Leadership. With aspirations to someday work in the nonprofit sector, WisconSibs seemed like a perfect fit! While WisconSibs is new to me, I already understand the great impact it makes on the community they serve. As someone who wants to explore the nonprofit sector and who is a sibling myself, WisconSibs seemed like a great opportunity to connect with a unique community.

Having a sibling with a disability, I have never really had the opportunity to connect with siblings, like myself in my town or at Madison. My brother, Dane, is Deaf and qualifies for blind services. He also has undiagnosed physical and cognitive impairments. As one of my best friends, Dane has been my inspiration for so much of my life. He is the reason I am who I am today.

While at WisconSibs, I will be focusing my time on the website, social media, and marketing. I hope to expand the reach that WisconSibs makes statewide so that more siblings can become knowledgable about their support. I hope to learn from fellow siblings about their experiences as well as just gain a deeper appreciation for WisconSibs and the community they serve!

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, indoor

Access to Mental Health Services for People with Autism & other Developmental Disabilities

Posted on by wisibs

Community of Practice on Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities (CoP ASD/DD) Present:

Access to Mental Health Services for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other Developmental Disabilities

Hosted at the Waisman Center at UW Madison with viewing/discussion sites around Wisconsin, including at 211 E Franklin St., Appleton

RESCHEDULED DUE TO WEATHER FROM Tuesday, February 12, 2019 TO Wednesday, Febuary 27, 2019

8:30am to 12:30pm
begins at 8:15am

Presentation Topics:
Barriers to accessing services in Wisconsin
Medicaid benefits
Supporting families
Talking with mental health professionals (tentative)

Who will benefit from participating?
Parents and other family members
School personnel
Therapists and other professionals

This is a FREE event, but you must re-register (choose your site when you register) for new date


“The SibDays of Summer are the best days of the year!!”

Posted on by wisibs

At least that’s how these kids seem to feel.  While its the long and hot “Dog Days of Summer” for the rest of Wisconsin, these WisconSibs ages 6-12 and their teen/young adult counselors, all (but 2) having siblings with disabilities, are having a blast at the “SibDays of Summer”.

Learn more about their week of activities and growth by downloading their SibDaily News issues.

Newsletter-July 23 2018

Newsletter-July 24 2018

Newsletter-July 25 2018

Newsletter-July 26 2018

Can’t wait for next year!! In the meantime, watch for information about Sibshops starting in September.