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Tag Archives: summer camp for siblings

SibNews – May-July 2022

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SibNews is here!

Click for the May-July issue of SibNews

This issue of SibNews includes:

  • The Givens sisters and the game Paige created to help people with disabilities learn how to manage money.
  • An article announcing leadership changes for WisconSibs as the Executive Director looks to retire
  • Recipe for “The World of PosSIBility Burgers”
  • WisconSibs Calendar
  • and more!


Feb-April 2019 SibNews: News for and about siblings of people with disabilities

Posted on by wisibs

Feb-April 2019 issue of SibNews is packed with information about:

  • Relieving Cabin Fever with Summer Camps
  • Q & A – Adult siblings need information about guardianship
  • Famous sibling – Of course, the songwriter of Let It Go is a sib!
  • Donors honor loved ones with gifts to WisconSibs
  • Calendar for WisconSibs
  • More

Click to view or download




SibNews FEB-APRIL 2019 calendar

Upcoming events for 2019

Posted on by wisibs

Time to mark your 2019 calendar:


February 9, 2019 – 2-4 pm – YMCA, Kimberly
March 3, 2019 – 1:30 – 3:30 pm – Old 45 Archery, Hortonville – note – SPA Sibshop
April 11-13, 2019 – Autism Conference – Kalahari at The Dells
May 2-3, 2019 – Circles of Life Conference Sibshop Form

Summer Camps

NEW!June 20-23, 2019 – Sib Camp for ages 9 plus in TENTS, Door County
July 22-26, 2019 – SibDays of Summer for ages 6-12, Plamann Park
August 8-11, 2019 – Sib Camp for ages 9-11 in YURTS, Door County
August 15-18, 2019 – Sib Camp for ages 12 – 16 in YURTS, Door County

Teen Sibs

February 9, 2019 – WisconSibs Facilitator Training – Appleton

April 12-13, 2019 – Leadership trip – Autism Conference – Kalahari at The Dells
June 13, 2019 – Teen Sib Leadership Day – Beaming, Neenah
July 22-26, 2019 – SibDays of Summer for Teen Sib Leaders, Plamann Park


March 8, 2019 – Vegas Madness – Timber Rattler’s Fox Club, Appleton
October 22, 2019 – Celebrate Sisterhood – Red Lion Hotel, Appleton

Conferences and Trainings

February 7, 2019 – Dementia in Persons with IDD, Appleton
February 9, 2019 – WisconSibs Facilitator Training, Appleton
March 9, 2019 – K.I.T.E. Conference, Appleton
March 20, 2019 – Disability Advocacy Day, Madison
April 11-13, 2019 – Autism Conference – Kalahari at The Dells
May 2-3, 2019 – Circles of Life Conference, Stevens Point Sibshop Registration Form


January 10, 2019 – TOP 10 THINGS SIBS WANT YOU TO KNOW,Kaukauna
March 1-31, 2019 – Sibs Are My Peeps photo contest- open to all individuals and groups
April 6, 2019 – Fox Cities KIDZ EXPO – WisconSibs Sibling’s Day Celebration, Appleton

Watch for more updates on our calendar page

Friday: Did You See that Firework? – 4th of July

Posted on by wisibs

How could we have a holiday themed week and not include 4th of July during the month of July? Well, we did include it. We wanted to end with a bang. I think we did. Along with preparations for the closing reception, fun was had. All groups created Firework Salt Art. Those projects really blew our minds. Some of the sibs tied fireworks to their lives. Their siblings with disabilities add so much color and excitement to their lives. We are glad connections like these can be made!

Before the reception, everyone had a chance to go swimming with friends one last time. Our closing reception was a smash once again and even included ice cream!   

How does the week of SibDays always go so fast? Everyone enjoyed “Every Day’s a SibDay!” Some of the favorites included swimming, Curt’s Carnival, Zoozort, and meeting new friends. We hope to see you all next year during our SIBshop and SibDays!

Photos from Yesterday (Thursday!)

Zoozort came yesterday! Noelle is the creator of this fantastic organization. In this picture, she is holding the adorable wallaby, Amelia.

Meet Mimi! This is a 9-banded Armadillo. She cannot curl up into a ball, but she is a very good digger.

Cornelius the Chameleon! FYI: chameleons camouflage, not change colors and they also have individual eyes, so they can watch one side of the room while stalking something else!

Hello Igor! He is a very nice toad.

Here is a close up of Amelia the Wallaby! Amelia was my personal favorite.

A camper is showing the other campers what a hollow tortoise shell looks like! Noelle also brought an alive tortoise named Clementine:)

Thursday: Can you find them all? – Scavenger Hunt Day

Posted on by wisibs

Campers and counselors learned lots about themselves today. The theme of the day was Scavenger Hunt Day. Not only were physical objects found, but personal emotions too. In their small groups, campers made Inside/Out Masks. Sometimes we all put on a face to hide what’s inside, but not today. Having a sibling with a disability can be a challenge. Most of the world does not see that side of a sibling.


Besides this emotional discovery, groups went on a Scavenger Hunt around Plamann Park. Some very special guests came to visit: Zoozort! Many unique animals made an appearance. We are very thankful for the Grade family in bringing Zoozort to us in memory of Alden Grade. We cooled off with water games and popsicles!

Reminders: Please bring: swimsuit, towel, sunscreen, water bottle, and lunch. Family reception is tomorrow at 2:30 pm. Come see all the things our SibDays campers have been doing this week! There will also be an ice cream social, thanks to the Thrivent Action Team!

Photos from yesterday (Wednesday!)

Sibs have fun at Curt’s Carnival, an event of SibDays and Camp Hope. Thank you to the Krull family for your generosity in memory of Curt. We are forever sibs. These sibs are capturing a moment in front of a photo booth!

Our organizer for SibDays, Michelle, just had a baby boy on Friday! She came to visit us for a little while and show off her adorable baby boy:)

Campers had a chance to play with the huge parachute today!

We had to do our famous “bug photo”. It turned out beautifully! Can you find your camper?


Wednesday: Our Most Favorite Day – Siblings Day

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We hope you remembered your T-shirt because today was picture and Siblings Day! 

It wasn’t quite Siblings Day because it is actually celebrated on April 10th. It was our SibDays Siblings Day. Siblings are very special and need to be reminded of that. Today was all about them. How can you make everyday Siblings Day? Lots of other fun activities happened as well. An art therapist came in and helped the campers create a fantastic firework hand project. Our camp was able to go over to Camp Hope for an annual favorite: CURT’S CARNIVAL! Campers and counselors love going over to visit and play many fun games.

Reminders: Please bring a lunch, swimsuit and towel, sunscreen, and a water bottle!

Friday is our Family Reception! Come at 2:30 pm and see all the things our campers have been doing this week.

Pictures from Yesterday (Tuesday)!

The campers and counselors alike were captivated by the facts regarding the turtle and snake! Many legends were dispelled.

We had some special visitors on Tuesdays, including Harriet the snake!

Along with Harriet the Snake came Tina the Turtle! The campers and counselors liked to feel Tina’s shell.

We had lots of favorite holidays displayed today: SuperBowl Sunday, Easter, Christmas, Earth Day and MANY, many more!

The campers had a chance to create their own holiday. This camper decided to create “National Cat Day”!

This camper liked using lots of foam stickers!

Monday: What a Magical First Day!

Posted on by wisibs

We can’t wait to hang out with the 43 campers who have siblings with disabilities enrolled this week. PLUS – more than 25 teens and young adults, most who are sibs themselves, are here to make sure kids have a safe, worthwhile and fun time at SibDays.

This year’s theme is “Every Day’s a SibDay!” One of our teen counselors suggested this theme last year. Each day we’ll celebrate a different holiday with many fun activities.

Today’s theme was Magic Day! We were lucky enough to have magician Jake from Mischief & Magic join us to kick things off. After the show, we practiced magic tricks and discussed some of the mischief and magic of having a sibling with disabilities. The first day ended with swimming and eating Magic Wand Kabobs!

Reminders for TUESDAY:

  • The theme is Create your own Holiday! Come dressed up like your favorite holiday.
  • Adults must sign their camper IN and OUT each day. Starting Tuesday, OLDER GROUP may be dropped off and picked up at the Small Shelter. All others will check in and out at Chris Brandt Shelter.
  • Wear good walking shoes (no flip flops except on the beach.
  • Bring swimsuit and towel. Also have a jacket in case weather turns cool.
  • Don’t forget sunscreen and bug spray.


Here are the phone numbers of the SibDays directors in case you need to call or text them about your camper.

Amy – 920-819-8253

Gretchen – 920-366-9681

Jyll – 920-464-0101

Karenna – 920-740-4983

SibNews April-June 2017

Posted on by wisibs

The April-May-June issue of SibNews is now available.

We’re very excited to bring you the third issue of our new SibNews newsletter.  This one features Sylvia Walentowski and her mom, Jennifer, on finding balance and healthy sibling relationships.

Click here to download this issue of SibNews.


Plus a Easy Daisy Cake recipe from WisconSib Christiana Redman and her brother Phillip, just in time for Sibling’s Day or Mother’s Day, or any day.  YUM! Take me to recipe